Monday, 11 February 2013

Penny Wise Pound Foolish

India prides itself that it has the maximum percentage of youth population. It is a cutting edge we feel we have over the aged population of China. Well I have my severe doubts.

By the looks of the very talented youngsters we have all we should be is worried.

The choices made by the urban youngsters are baffling. These choices have given us our TV shows where thousands go to get insulted and abused by a pair of tonsured heads, who feel they are the elected Chief Justices of India (in other jobs, they get laughed at in horrible movies). 10 years these baldies have lived off by the grace of our jobless studs.

The activity of staying fit is actually a living rage of ballooning biceps and clean shaven chests. Each of these gym addicts, walk with an air of being Sylvester Stallone. Their IQ is inversely proportional to the increasing inches of body mass.

On the other hand, Indian Military Services are facing a problem of not enough QUALITY youngsters to be trained and deputed as Officers. 

The latest Scheme named behind a man who died working intently for the nation is an added advantage for the rural youth to keep warming benches. Since the introduction of this mega vote puller scheme, Labor shortages are reported from all the industrial states.

The genuinely sharp brained offspring of Mother India have very well realized that if they have to be utilized, they need a foreign land and better living conditions. India is busy accommodating Reservations on behest of Politicians to keep them in chair.

To top all of this chaos is a man who in my opinion is fed up but can't even quit his job for either of the two reasons, He cannot even dictate terms of his resignation or love of the nation to save it from a candidate who is aiming to run the country without even the experience of running a home with a wife.

All the journalists, on one hand are busy condemning a man running a State like a Multi Million Dollar Enterprise of having Communal Tendencies, whereas totally mute and in worst cases supportive of a man, lost time and again to be the Prime Minister of the Country whose Educational Qualifications are like the cryptic Mona Lisa smile.

But as they say India has always come around on Jugaad, we are sure we will keep pulling it off.