Saturday, 20 December 2014

Weeping Hearts

A lot of upheaval in my life kept me away from writing posts here. It has been a roller coaster kind of a year.

December 16, 2014 will be the darkest day in human history. A day when all the boundaries of humanity were unceremoniously rather violently broken to set a new all time low. Our history globally is checkered with inhuman activities and incidents but never such a disaster.

Greed has always been the predominant cause behind all these ungodly activities, but on 16th it was CRUELTY.

The target were children and only children. For the first time children weren't just caught in the crossfire but were systematically targeted to send a message.

Though it happened in a country that are the arch rivals of my country, my heart wept. And with me wept millions of Indians too keeping our perennial hatred aside, for the children who were brutally murdered.

We are spiraling down into a dark alley infested with fear. The speed is gathering momentum. The world we live in, is just poles apart with a deep void enveloping everything in between. On the one end of the spectrum, we are the most advanced humans ever, but on the other, the least sensitive and ethical ones.

Death is definitely the natural culmination of life and mourning it is futile. We all will eventually meet it, but, the manner and time is what in this case was perturbing. The fights of establishments over power, greed, hunger, lust is never direct. Common people of all countries are the postmen and message carriers of these fights. Our life is the body of the message they send each other.

Our forefathers fought great wars but these wars had rules, now, only end justifies all the means. Human life seems of no value to these great apostles of religion and defenders of their faith. For they don't understand that in eventuality if there will be no human race, who will the religions fool and cheat?

Religions were across the world formed as a disciplinary bodies for humanity. Today humanity is existing for religions. To kill and get killed in its name.

 It was all fine until adults who knew how to make choices were bearing the brunt but now, innocent unknowing kids have been dragged. This bloody action by the rule of nature will have equally bloody reaction. This is the first time I am hoping this action just goes away unnoticed because I can't imagine anything worst than this happening.

I also see the irony that all those who spoke vehemently about peace and love met their deaths violently. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X or John Lennon. But, still only peace and love can glue us together. Religion definitely has failed coz on December 16th the aggressors and the victims were of the same religion.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind - Mahatma Gandhi

1 comment:

  1. I definitely support ur views like the millions around the world that condemn this heinous crime.

    What I support more are ur views on love and peace above everything else.

    A solution-oriented blog is what I like.

    An attitude of love and tolerance like that of Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr.and the like are the need of the hour; not Hitler, Gn.Dyer, etc.-type attitude of intolerance and hate.

    A beautiful message of love, well articulated and suggested by the writer.
