Saturday, 18 June 2011

Corruption Begins at Home

Hello Folks,

The word Corruption is not a new one nor has it been brought into public existence lately, everybody knew and knows about the most dangerous and rampantly practised social evil. But, who is responsible and why does it happen ??

The answer to this is not very easy and shallow. I am trying as an humble effort to give it an explanation. The answer lies in the Definition of the Science of Money ECONOMICS, to a part at our upbringing and habit cultivation at the best school THE HOME, and to a part in Bhagwad Gita.

As per Economics, Human Wants are Unlimited and the means to satisfy them are limited. This gives rise of the human going to any extent in fulfilling his wants. It is but natural that scarcity in resources will give rise to a cut throat level of competition and well, where there is competition, everything is fair and legal to survive and Achieve. In fact, Survival of the Fittest (jungle law) is applicable everywhere around us.

INCENTIVE !! The whole world works and functions on this word !! From a grade 2 kid to big corporate honchos. What is an INCENTIVE ?? The carrot attached to a stick to get desired level of output irrespective of your inherent feeling about doing the work. Even the TIP we pay to cab drivers, waiters, etc has a meaning To Insure Performance. Bribes and Corruption is just a Glorified Incentive which lures people to take up job irrespective of their willingness or love to perform a job. As a kid, I was always given an incentive to bring marks in my exams, which always made me work hard to get the gift rather than understanding the inherent importance of studies and scoring well as a big step of my life. From that small gifts, to big Payouts in the Financial Market, everybody works towards achieving it no matter how. Shady Deals, Frauds, Scams everything in the way of a ruthless pursuit to achieve the carrot of Incentive and after a point in time meet Personal Ego Demands.

Sacred scriptures, very well philosophised, in Bhagwad Gita tell us to work honestly, without actually expecting and attaching rewards to the work performed. But Incentive decided before hand of the task performed just makes us go crazy to get it and we fall into doing tacit stuff. It is perfectly natural, cause the seeds sown are itself faulty.

It is very deep rooted in us, Corruption and its a Demon which can be destroyed only by education and the right way of looking at stuff. Going on a hunger strike, or getting public support and agitations can tame the devil for the moment, but not destroy it completely. Its about morals of the individuals involved and not with the lax of governance and law. All laws are passed with the inherent existence of loopholes. With time, smarter individuals will find it and capitalize but the Devil will always raise its ugly head again and again.

Mahatma Phule, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Raja Ram Mohun Roy did not end evils like Sati, Child Mariages, Dowry, etc by going on an indefinite fast unto death but by leading with examples and education. Even Mahatma Gandhi did not sit on a Fast Unto Death till the British Leave India but took steps like Non Cooperation Moment, Civil Disobedience Moment and Quit India Moment. It is a process but we believe always to skip the process and come out with a result on ransom. We do not want to stop doing it at a smaller scale but want it to be stopped at the greater scale. Just because, we are not in that opportunity, the person there should be brought to book.

Stop doing stuff to get the incentive tagged to it and start doing it because you want to do it and lets inculcate the sacred value of doing things without thinking of the reward in us as well as the future generations.

As the good old saying, Charity Begins At Home !! or else lets stop whinning about it because then its Hypocrisy and no Concrete word against it.

Do offer your opinion, and we can have a dialogue about the most discussed topic of all for time being.

 KS :) 

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