Wednesday, 22 July 2015

When the Chips are Down....

You know yourself better,
When the Chips are Down

The plans you make, the dreams you weave,
The misplaced idealism about life, the misnomer about equity, all of that drowns.

Adjustment is the way forward, Hope the undying drug,
The vision is short and the going is tough,
Expectations are rock bottom, life just about there.

When the chips are down,
Blood is thicker than water, and relationships more meaningful,
Commerce takes a backseat and emotions are in charge,

Your gut is tested but the strength is built,
The capacity to take all that can come at you without flinching an eye,
Survival is not about the moment but developing the character.

Patience, Perseverance and Endurance is all that counts,
When the Chips are Down! 


  1. Beautiful prose....moving and motivating, You should write more.

  2. Nice, Kevin. Would also like to add- "For the loser now, will be later to win"-Bob Dylan.
